Tuesday 5 May 2015

Exam Season Advice and Tips

My first post in a while! I’ve been so busy with exams/coursework as I approach the end of my first year at uni (terrifying how fast it’s gone) I thought I’d collate a little generic list of exam tips, partly for my own reassurance but for anyone else reading this with exams coming up!

1)   Set realistic goals- you won’t get anything done if you expect to read the entire works of Shakespeare and make notes all before 1pm because you’ll just realize it’s too much and not do anything. Work out how long you can realistically work for- for some people this is half an hour, others forty-five minutes some people an hour and utilize this to your advantage.

2)   Take breaks, keep hydrated- Work for an hour, then take a break and get a drink of water and go for a walk if you can. Don’t immediately log onto Facebook because otherwise you’ll be there for the next half an hour.

3)   Don’t completely cancel your entire social life over exam season- This is tempting as you feel that any minute you’re not working is jeopardizing your entire future. It’s not. You need time to relax. I’m not implying a wild night out two days before your first exams, but take some time to chill with friends even if this is just an hour coffee break in the nearest cafĂ© or getting some lunch together.  If you work hard there’s no reason not to give yourself an hour or two off.

4)   Get rid of distractions- I’ve installed Self Control on my Mac and it has literally saved my life. You set the timer for any time between 15 minutes and 24 hours and it blocks all common distractions, like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube. There’s no way of undoing it, you literally have to wait until the timer is up so it forces me to work. Something like this is really helpful for those of us with very little willpower (me).

5)   Ask for help- I know exam time is a time when it appears everyone is looking out for themselves but don’t be afraid to ask for help. The first port of call should be your teachers/university professors, as it is their job to help you with any queries or worries. However if you have a friend that is really hot on a topic that just makes no sense to you why not propose an hour revision session? Offer to go over another topic that they don’t get as much or just haven’t revised yet in return. But don’t take up too much of their time!

6)   Finally, don’t stress- I know this is easier said than done but honestly not stressing will lead to better sleep, better general mental health and a better mindset to work and sit exams in. If you are really struggling reach out to someone who will hopefully reassure you and let you know that everything is going to be okay (my first call is always my mum who has listened to countless exam stresses with me and always reminds me when the results come in how stressed I was over nothing!)

Good luck to anyone with exams, whether they be GCSE’s, AS or A Levels or University or any other type of exam! Leave any further tips or advice in the comments and remember- you WILL be fine!
