Wednesday 3 September 2014

Best summer reads

Summer is over- although I don't go off to uni for another three weeks (eek!) all the schools are going back so I thought I'd do a quick post summarising the best books I've read this summer. Most of these were perfect summer reads that made me feel all warm and fluffy inside and so I would definitely recommend for a holiday but some were just absolutely incredible books that I happened to read over the summer.

Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

The final part to the Anna and the French Kiss series did NOT disappoint! I read this in about a day, it was so good and made me feel so warm and happy inside. I would recommend this series to anyone at any time of the year!

Written in The Stars by Ali Harris

When I picked this up on a whim in WHSmith I hadn't heard of it before, but since then I've seen it on iBooks and best seller charts and I'm so glad it's doing well. This book is so unique and such an interesting perspective on the whole "what if?" idea.

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

This book needs no introduction. It's not a feel-good read but it's amazing and I can understand the hype. It made me laugh and cry and I loved Teddy and Adam so much. Read this before you go see the film!

My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

This was the best summer read. I read this in America which was perfect as it's based in the USA. A great book about summer romance and first love and I can't wait to read Huntley Fitzpatrick's next book.

Landline by Rainbow Rowell

Rainbow Rowell is possibly one of my favourite humans of all time.  Her new book is much more mature, it doesn't feature teenagers as the protagonists and I would definitely give this to my Mum to read. I already can't wait for Rainbow's next book!

Those were the best books I've read over summer, let me know if you've read any of these and leave any book recommendations for me in the comments!

Follow me on goodreads!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i always love reading your book recommendations! :) after i saw the anna and the french kiss series coming by a few times on your blog i finally picked up a copy two days ago and so far i'm enjoying it a lot! so thanks for the recomendation! i'm also planning to read my life next door sometime xx

    1. aw i'm so glad to hear you're enjoying it! it's one of my favourite series! life next door is also amazing! you're welcome! xxxx

  3. I love reading posts about books as I love reading. I'll have to check those books. Great post and keep up the good work.

